by Jacqui Gerritsen, LMFT
Jacqui has been licensed since 2007. She joined the SCV-CAMFT board in 2015, initially as the Communication and Technology Director. She has a private practice in Palo Alto and San Mateo and is certified in TEAM-CBT level 2. She works with teens and adults and uses both a family systems model as well as a supportive, humanistic approach.
I bet you've heard this before, but it's worth saying it again. Our chapter wouldn't exist without lots of willing volunteers! This issue of our newsletter seemed to fall into the theme of volunteerism. Volunteering, as most of us know from experience, is something that connects us to oth- ers, counteracting stress, anger, and anxiety. As therapists, we often work alone, and getting out with a purpose by volunteering can help connect us to the larger world, make new friends, and work on our social skills and relationship building. It can help our careers, by connecting us to professional people who we might not have met otherwise. And if you find the right volunteer position, it will bring fun and fulfillment to your life. So if you've been thinking about ways to help our chapter, maybe now is the time to put those thoughts into actions. The more connections we make with each other, the more this chapter benefits us all.
Speaking of connecting to each other, I'm happy to report that the new chapter exchange seems to be a success. The board wanted to find a better forum, and I think we did. I hope you all agree. We launched the new chapter exchange in November, and so far so good. This membership feature is a great resource and benefit to everyone who joins. If you still have not joined, please send an email to our chapter coordinator at mail@ scv-camft.org and we'll send you an invitation. A great feature of the new forum is a member calendar, where we can
add our own workshops, events, and groups, and easily see what's coming
in the weeks and months ahead, for ourselves, and for our clients.
As most of our members know, chapter members must be members of CAMFT in good standing. All chapters are affiliated with the state organization, and it is in our chapter agreement that all members of chapters must be members
of CAMFT. If you get a notice from us asking you to renew your CAMFT membership, please take this notice seriously. We have to be in compliance with this policy. Of course, sometimes mistakes are made, or there is a miscommunication, but we will resolve any issues that arise.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at president@scv-camft.org. I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming chapter event!