When you advertise with SCV-CAMFT, you will reach our membership of nearly 500 Marriage and Family Therapists and mental health professionals, as well as members of the public seeking our services.

Reach Your Targeted Audience...

Silicon Valley Mental Health Care Professionals

Santa Clara Valley CAMFT (SCV-CAMFT) is a professional association with nearly 500 active members. Few other advertising mediums can present your message to this highly specialized niche. In addition to our members we are read by a wide variety of other health care professionals.

Consumers of Mental Health Services

Our "Find A Therapist" directory is a resource to members of the public who are looking or a therapist. You can reach this audience when you advertise on our website.

Sponsor Licensed Members get a FREE continuously running website ad. Consider joining or upgrading your membership to get this and other benefits. SEE BENEFITS HERE

Institutional Members get a FREE continuously running website ad. Businesses, if you are not already an institutional member, join SCV-CAMFT to get free ads and other benefits. JOIN NOW


Classified Ad


Online Website Ad

Web ads appear on numerous pages throughout the website, and will link to your web page of choice.

Email Marketing

SCV-CAMFT will send your HTML or text email out to our membership. This is only available to SCV-CAMFT members. Organizations can join as Institutional Members to use this service.

Advertising Disclaimer
SCV-CAMFT reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted advertisement. SCV-CAMFT does not attempt to investigate or verify claims, including, but not limited to, claims of compliance, results or claims with licensing, counseling and therapy standards, or practices made in advertisements appearing in our publications and on our website. The appearance of advertising in SCV-CAMFT publications and on its website in no way implies endorsement or approval by us of any advertising claims or of the advertiser, its product, or services. SCV-CAMFT disclaims any liability whatsoever in connection with advertising appearing in SCV-CAMFT publications and on its website.

The advertiser accepts responsibility for submitting a correct, proofed ad.

sponsorship OPTIONS

SCV-CAMFT                 P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA. 94306                  mail@scv-camft.org              650-308-4809

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