Vol. 40, No. 2
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by Jacqui Gerritsen, LMFT
Fun events coming up - art therapy, healing poetry, coffee talk! It will be so nice to see you in person!
Interview by Dominique Yarritu, LMFT
"I see ecotherapy as the process of healing and growing with and through the support of nature."
by Junko Yamauchi, LMFT
What is their self-care? What are they reading? What would they do if they weren't therapists?
by Tim Baima, PhD, LMFT
Facilitating engagement of family members through family play therapy! Watch the recording FREE through June!
by Edna Wallace, LMFT
HungerHunger for connection: to be seen, to be heard..
Dominique Yarritu, LMFTPresident-Elect
Evelyn Lomio, AMFTSecretary
Brandon Hoshiko, LMFTDirector of Communications and Technology
Long Time SCV-CAMFT Webmaster
A gentle, caring, funny and creative man,who will be missed by many.
Presented by Ursula Jorgensen, LMFT
Practice self-care with colleagues while doing collages.
Presented by Phyllis Klein, LMFT
Experience the healing benefits of poetry.
We Hope to See You There!
Come and have a coffee on us! Maybe at your favorite place! 6/26 at Peets in Mountain View.
SCV-CAMFT P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA 94306 mail@scv-camft.org 650-308-4809