Vol. 41, No. 1
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by Dominique Yarritu, PhD, LMFT
Our programming this quarter covers the themes of motherhood, pregnancy, and parenting.
by Jessica Sorci, LMFT
"By showing up in an informed and supportive way, clinicians can affect fundamental security in a woman, in her baby and ultimately in society as a whole."
by Ruchi Puri, MD
"An embodied pregnancy allows us to stay grounded in the existential uncertainties of a state that brings us to the precipice of life or death."
by Geetha Narayanan, LMFT
"Family can assist in building and supporting a teen's confidence, help shape their identity and be available during their trying times."
by Mark Mouro, LMFT
"I was starting to feel that I was coming up short in my ability to use transference as an intervention."
by Edna Wallace, LMFT
Poem: AttachmentsWhat is it about baby...
Find recordings of many of our past events.
Safe, Secure & Loved: Resilient Families Promoting Intergenerational Healing through Community Involvement
Understanding the Impact of Prenatal and Perinatal Experiences
Saturday, April 9, 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Supporting the Loved Ones of Gender Expansive Individuals
Friday, May 20, 12:00PM - 1:30PM
SCV-CAMFT Therapist Support Group
Fridays March 18, April 15, May 20, 10:00AM - 11:30AM
Newly Licensed Support Groups
Saturdays March 19, April 16, May 21, 1:00PM - 3:00PM - online
Fridays April 8, May 13, 10:00AM - 12:00PM - online
Pre-Licensed Support Groups Fridays April 1, May 6, 11:00AM - 1:00PMSaturdays April 2, May 7, 11:00AM - 1:00PM
SCV-CAMFT P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA 94306 mail@scv-camft.org 650-308-4809