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  • CANCELLED! Gender and Identity: Providing Gender Affirmative Therapy to All Our Clients

CANCELLED! Gender and Identity: Providing Gender Affirmative Therapy to All Our Clients

  • Friday, April 24, 2020
  • 11:15 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Los Gatos Lodge, 50 Los Gatos/Saratoga Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95008

In accordance with the Santa Clara County Health Dept. recommendations, this event has been cancelled. Please check the website for updates regarding re-scheduling.

Presented by Maureen Johnston, LMFT

More and more of our clients of all ages either identify as trans, transgender, gender-queer, gender fluid, non-binary, questioning, or something entirely different, or have a loved one who does so. Not only is it imperative that we become much better educated on both the clinical and cultural issues, but also develop a better understand how our own gender journeys impact our work.

Gender Affirmative Therapy provides therapists and counselors in all settings with the tools to provide sensitive, effective treatment to gender expansive adults, teens, kids, and their families. It also gives us a framework to better understand the social and cultural underpinnings of our own gender identities.

At this presentation, Maureen will use experiential exercises and case studies to illustrate the complex interplay of the clinical, medical, educational, and legal aspects of working with the trans community. The importance of language will be explored, and participants will be provided with usable information and resources. They will be given concrete suggestions on what to look for, how to talk to their clients, and what language to use and not to use.

Special attention will be given to the importance of heightened sensitivity to the layers of transference and countertransference that frequently arise when working with the trans community.

About the Presenter

Maureen Johnston has been providing psychotherapy to kids, teens, and adults in her private practice in San Jose for over 20 years. She and her colleagues have been offering ‘Group Nite!’ (monthly support groups for gender expansive youth and their parents) since February 2015. Maureen has worked with the trans and gender expansive community for over 15 years. She has been receiving training and consultation in the Gender Affirmative Model of therapy for several years and is a member of Diane Ehrensaft’s Mind the Gap monthly consultation group.

For the last few years, she has led &/or participated in workshops at the annual Gender Spectrum’s Professional’s Symposium and Family Conference on clinical issues with gender non-conforming children and teens.

Maureen has been providing clinical consultation, supervision, and training to interns, licensed therapists, and others in the community for many years. She hosts a monthly consultation group for therapists and other professionals interested in providing Gender Affirmative services in Santa Clara County.

As a member of the board for 6 years and a past president of SCV-CAMFT, Maureen has attended many chapter events over the years, and is honored and delighted to be a speaker at this luncheon.

Walk-ins are welcome.

This is a 1.5 CEU credit presentation.


SCV-CAMFT is a CAMFT-approved Continuing Education Provider (CEPA 052466). This course meets the qualifications of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LPCCs, LEPs and/or LCSWs. SCV-CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.

Event Policy Information

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