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  • From Silence to Connection: Sex Therapy Techniques for Shame and Anxiety

From Silence to Connection: Sex Therapy Techniques for Shame and Anxiety

  • Saturday, July 20, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM



Presented by Presented by David F. Khalili, LMFT

Includes 3 CE credits for LMFTs, LPCCs, LEPs and LCSWs.
This event will be online only. A recording will be made available to all registrants for 3 months. For those who can't attend live, CE credit is available by watching the recording and passing a test.

Discover new horizons in sex therapy with renowned sex therapist, David F. Khalili, LMFT, from San Francisco's Rouse Relational Wellness and author of The Mental Health Workbook for Men. In this engaging workshop, David will lead you through an exploration of sex therapy that transcends traditional approaches. Learn invaluable techniques for navigating sensitive issues of anxiety, shame, and masculinity within therapeutic settings, all while incorporating insights from queer theory and critical race theory to promote inclusivity and understanding. Acquire and practice tools for conducting biopsychosocial assessments and addressing sexual concerns with confidence and sensitivity. Join us for a lively and interactive workshop on sex therapy!

Educational Goals

The educational goals of this talk aim to broaden therapists' perspectives on sex therapy, emphasizing its holistic approach beyond addressing pain and sexual functioning. By introducing concepts from queer theory and critical race theory, the talk seeks to foster inclusivity and understanding of diverse sexual experiences. Additionally, therapists will be equipped with practical tools and techniques for conducting biopsychosocial assessments to address sexual concerns effectively. Furthermore, the talk aims to enhance therapists' confidence in discussing sex with clients, particularly men, by providing strategies to navigate shame, anxiety, and entitlement within therapeutic settings.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to...

  • Identify six categories treated within sex therapy.
  • Describe the difference between the linear model and the circular model of sex.
  • State the three factors included in the biopsychosocial assessment for sex therapy.
  • Identify three interventions for shame and anxiety in sexuality.
  • Describe three common challenges men face regarding sex and sexuality.

About the Presenter

David F. Khalili is a licensed therapist, board-certified sexologist, and founder of Rouse Relational Wellness and Rouse Academy. David’s book Mental Health Workbook for Men was published recently to help men improve their relationships with themselves and others. David aims to help men feel less lonely and more connected with their communities. Specializing in couples and sex therapy, David draws from his diverse background which includes peer sex education, work in adult boutiques, and a Master's degree in Sexuality Studies from San Francisco State University. For more information about David's practice, visit rousetherapy.com. Rouse Relational Wellness is a boutique mental health practice for those seeking sex and couples therapy in San Francisco and throughout California, offering specialized support for queer, BIPOC, kinky, and poly individuals. Their team of licensed and associate-level providers is trained and committed to fostering a space where everyone can explore their relationships with empowerment, understanding, and compassion. Utilizing various approaches and services, their mission is clear: Shame Less, Love More. Learn more about their practice at rousetherapy.com, or their educational site, rouseacademy.com.

Presentation Outline

What is sex therapy (10 min)
     • How sex therapy is more than working with pain and sexual functioning
    • Queer theory and critical race theory are introduced

Expanding our view of sex (25 min)
     • Normalizing and empathizing with rigid views of sex, while acknowledging their limitations
     • Offering different views of sex to help clinicians and their clients reduce anxiety and shame discussing or approaching sex
     • Discussion and personal reflective exercise to work on own biases

Biopsychosocial Assessments (60 min)
     • Structured approach to assessing sexual concerns
     • Approaches to rule out or refer to other specialists
     • Practice and modeling of conducting assessments
         • Helps them work through anxiety on talking about sex with clients
     • Special considerations

Break (10 min)

Working with men in sex therapy (40 min)
     • Continuing queer theory and critical race theory
     • bell hooks concept of “soul murder”
     • Internalized homophobia
     • Internalized patriarchy
     • Narcissism and entitlement

Working with Shame and Anxiety (35 min)
     • Approaches to working with shame, anxiety and entitlement
         • In session exercises
         • Between session exercises
     • Terry Real’s relationship grid

Q&A (10 min)

This is an introductory and intermediate level course.

If you miss any of the presentation, you will not be eligible for the CEUs. This course meets the qualifications of 3 continuing education credits for LMFTs, LPCCs, LEPs and/or LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. SCV-CAMFT is a CAMFT-approved continuing education provider (CEPA 052466).

The views expressed in presentations made at SCV-CAMFT meetings or events are those of the speaker and not, necessarily, of SCV-CAMFT. Presentations at SCV-CAMFT events do not constitute an endorsement of the vendor or speaker's views, products or services.

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