Fall 2022 President's Message

Saturday, October 15, 2022 5:11 PM | Anonymous

by Dominique Yarritu, PhD, LMFT
Fall 2022 Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

Yesterday (22 September) was Fall equinox, that second time in the year when day and night are of equal length and in perfect balance, very temporarily. I was inspired by Rev. Connie Habash's newsletter speaking of the impermanence of that balancing act we expect to create and sustain in our lives. It reminded me, after a very busy and work-oriented summer, that "we are not intended to be in perfect balance all the time." After a couple of months of unusual heat it feels good to be on the other side of summer and feel the sun at a lower angle. I hope you had a more relaxing summertime and you will have plenty of quality time to enjoy the cooler weather.

Last month, Jacqui Gerritsen, our Past President elected to step off the board and I would like, here, to thank her for five years of unwavering commitment to our chapter. We are still looking for volunteers and board members so we hope that you will consider joining our team! When I finally got my MFT license, I thought I would never volunteer: the practicum and internships had felt like I had given my time and energy away. However, there is something very nourishing and rewarding to be of service and part of a group of like-minded individuals who are offering the most precious commodity they have: time. 

The overall theme of this issue is diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as well as social justice. Our community focus is Perry Clark, LMFT who tells us about his experience working with men, the LGBTQ+ community, as a black male therapist. We have a new (DEI) column featuring Ellie Vargas, LCSW who speaks about her work doing immigration evaluations. On the topic of social justice, we are featuring Dr. Sherry Wang sharing her views on how clinicians can include social justice and advocacy into their clinical work.

We hope that you will enjoy these offerings! Please check our next presentations here. 
As usual, we look forward to hearing from you and getting any feedback.

Be well,


Fall 2022 Newsletter

SCV-CAMFT               P.O. Box 60814, Palo Alto, CA 94306               mail@scv-camft.org             650-308-4809

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